DEANS® Tech Bench - Ultra Plug® vs. T-Plug Clones - Resistance Test

In an effort to dispel rumors of the Deans® Ultra Plug®, we have put together a test showing the variety of T-Plug clones that are not Genuine Deans®.  Why is the important?  We at WS Deans have been serving the needs of hobbyists and engineers since 1957.  In those 60+ years, we have seen quite a few imitation products come to the market.  However, these T-Plug clones have created the misperception of lower quality coming from Deans®.  At the tests show, we remain the best performing plug.  For this reason, verify with your distributor that the connector on the battery, vehicle, speed controller is truly a Genuine Deans® product.  It will save you from lost power while in flight and extend run time.

The results of the test are shown below while comparing 7 T-Plugs to Deans® Ultra Plug®.  See the video

T Plug resistance test results

As seen from the results, these T-Plug clones provide anywhere from 3.4 to 26 times as much resistance.  This resistance costs power loss to the system.  Remember to use Genuine Deans® products for maximum performance.

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