The world of unmanned flight has undergone a remarkable transformation, from the early days of RC planes, then to RC helicopters, and now to the latest in drone technology of today. Central to this evolution, bridging decades of airborne innovation, is DEANS®.
Many think about DEANS® Ultra Plug® for battery connectivity and the ultimate in lightweight to power ratio, but equally important is solid wire connectivity. DEANS® WET NOODLE™ Wire offers superior flexibility. With 1666 strands of wire in the 12 gauge, the wire can be routed through tight paths in the drone. Combine the flexibility with soldering to a connector and shrink tube to stress relieve the solder joint, the system is solid for years to come. The flexibility absorbs the vibrations to minimize the transfer to the solder joint thus reducing the likelihood of cold working the joint. A cold worked joint over time can cause a crack and reduce the electrical contact or worse yet, break over time. Working with DEANS® WET NOODLE™ Wire is invaluable to handle the vibrations from both the environment and the motors.
DEANS® enables drones to become more agile, more efficient, and capable of performing a wide array of functions, from aerial photography to advanced surveillance. As technology progresses to advanced drones, know that DEANS® continues to bridge the rich history of RC planes and helicopters to the dynamic and ever-evolving world of drones.